Health Care Meridian applied traditional TCM concept including Meridian Channels and Acupuncture (Meridian Point) to stimulating the reflex points of the organs on the face, activating qi and blood, dispersing blood stasis and nodules, and metabolizing endotoxins and waste products of the skin, thereby restoring the true color of the skin.
Healthy Face Meridian
Dr.SOS 【Signature】Healthy Face Meridian 健康脸部松筋
✅打散筋结与气结 ✅排除毒素坏死细胞 ✅调理气血 ✅疏通经络 ✅活血散瘀 ✅底解决皮肤晦暗 ✅松驰 ✅粉刺 ✅毛孔粗大等皮肤问题 ✅有祛风清热 ✅凉血解毒 ✅增强皮肤免疫力 ✅改善肤色 ✅使肌肤保持健康之功效
>>>限时优惠从 $27 起 (原价$380)<<<
✅ 超过10,000人见证✅无配套✅不吃药 ✅ 无副作用
Dr.SOS 【Signature】Healthy Face Meridian 健康脸部松筋
Healthy Face Meridian applied traditional TCM concept including Meridian Channels and Acupuncture (Meridian Point) to stimulating the reflex points of the organs on the face, activating qi and blood, dispersing blood stasis and nodules, and metabolizing endotoxins and waste products of the skin, thereby restoring the true color of the skin.
✅sooth and break up tendons and qi knots ✅eliminate toxins and dead cells ✅regulate qi and blood ✅detox and remove excess toxins ✅enhancing skin immunity ✅improving skin tone ✅stimulate reflex points of the organs on the face ✅metabolizing waste products of the skin ✅restoring the true color of the skin.
>>>Limited Time Promo From $68 Nett (Usual $149)<<<
✅ More than 10,000 success story ✅ Immediate result ✅ No side effects ✅ No Packages
PM to make an appointment today!
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